Thank you. Now please add your voice to other campaigns taking off on Organise...

Stop the Amazon drivers pay cut:

"Amazon delivery drivers all over the UK have received a pay reduction in January 2022. Sign the petition asking Amazon to reverse this unjustified pay cut that's hurting drivers:"

Carers Allowance isn't a wage: let unpaid carers keep all of their UC payment.

"As unpaid carers for our loved ones we each save the government thousands of pounds a year by not having carers coming in to help. We get £67 a week. This should be in addition to Universal Credit entitlements, not counted as a wage and therefore taken off our benefits each month."

Start your own petition about work

From setting up and getting your first few signatures, to planning tactics with your supporters, to anonymously delivering your petition to your target - the Organise team are with you every step of the way 💪🏽