
of 200,000 signatures

To Matt Hancock, Minister for Health

Anthony, petition starter and registered nurse: "COVID cases are on the rise, and NHS staff like me are worried. I love working as a nurse, it's incredibly rewarding. There's nothing like having that buzz of making a difference and it's why I first came into nursing.

But the average nurse in the UK has lost 20% of income after a decade of tiny pay changes way under inflation. [1] It’s not surprising that there are 100,000 vacancies within our NHS. [2] And that lots of us are using food banks to get by."

If you agree that NHS staff deserve a proper pay rise for everything they're doing, please sign the petition below asking Health Secretary Matt Hancock.

🚨 Update: Matt Hancock (Secretary for Health) is now saying discussion around NHS pay rises might be delayed. At a time when staff are burnt out and thinking about leaving, this petition has never been more important, please add your name now:

Petition text

To Matt Hancock, Secretary for Health,

Please reward all NHS staff for their bravery on the frontlines during Coronavirus - introduce a big and immediate pay rise.

[1] https://nursingnotes.co.uk/news/workforce/nurses-call-10pay-rise-years-real-terms-cuts/ [2] https://www.nuffieldtrust.org.uk/resource/the-nhs-workforce-in-numbers

Sign the petition

Give a big pay rise to all NHS staff

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